It’s been a long time since I updated my netcast list, but my habits have changed a bit. Here is what I currently listen to regularly:
- This Week in Tech – Weekly Tech News Roundup
- GeekBrief – Daily snippet of gadget news
- Games with Garfield – Monthly gaming podcast featuring the creator of Magic: The Gathering
- StackOverflow Podcast – The podcast is changing so I have to decide whether the new format stays in heavy rotation. It has been a good podcast for programming types.
- Windows Weekly – Everything Microsoft
I listen to these when I can:
- Manager Tools – I’ve learned a lot about being a better manager from these guys.
- Tekzilla – Video tech news
- Cranky Geeks – More tech news
- FLOSS Weekly – Interviews with open source projects. Very interesting if you are a programmer.
- Econtalk – Interviews with economists. Usually pretty accessible.
- Berkeley Webcasts – All kinds of classes from Berkeley in podcast format. I suggest CS61a which teaches through SICP.
- Sound Investing – Investment discussion focused on buy and hold index fund investing.
If you have suggestions, leave them in the comments.